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Czech Streets 29
Pious swallower

Pious swallower

Hi, my name's Martin and I took the baton of this quick dough phenomenon from Lada. It was really mentally demanding and so he quitted. I could not wait to grab the camera and go for some action. But in fact it is not such fun. One week I walked the streets trying to catch at least something. Vanity of vanities. That week I addressed almost 30 women and girls in total and was successful with only two of them. In the park I came across a nice lady. She was thirty-five and looked very good. I was trying to persuade her for almost 3 hours and it looked like she would slip through my fingers. But you know best theat quick dough has its unique charm. I added something into the bank and I got a beautiful blowjob in reward. I am sorry because it was pretty dark already and I promise to take a flashlight next time. She would even fuck me, but she was in a rush to cook dinner for her husband back home. The next day I sniffed again, as a haunter in the streets until I found a nice bench with a pretty and very special girl. She read the spiritual literature and really had a strage point of view of the world. But imoprtant for me was that she understood the speech of quick dough and for 30 000, - I could fuck her in the bushes. Even if she did not seem, she was great and she even swallowed. Take a look at my first trry and judge for yourself.

Czech Streets 43
Actress Lenka

Actress Lenka

How was your summer? My holiday letargy ended abruptly with an e-mail from a guy who wanted to wager that I won't ever convince anyone famous to have sex with me. He said he knows a young Slovak actress, hosting in one of Prague's theatres… And that's what I call a challenge! I met the guy at one of her performances and we shaked hands on the whole deal. Although I knew it's a Mission Impossible operation, I decided to track her with the determination of a horny bulldog. My plan required a lot of preparation, a detailed plan and a heavy bag of money. On D-Day, I got into my best clothes, bought a bouquet of flowers and went to see another one of her shows. Afterwards, I had to wait outside, nervous like a virgin on a first date. When she walked out at last, I introduced myself as her greatest fan and invited her to dinner. She sent me to hell, of course, but then a spark of hope appeared when she agreed to meet me for a cup of coffee the next day. The hook sank in… Her name was Lenka, she was born in Slovakia and we had a nice long chat. I almost forgot that I'm mainly there to just fuck her hard. On the way to the theatre, I had to reveal my cards. And believe me or not, she agreed (for 120.000 Crowns)! And although it cost an appalling heap of cash, fucking a celebrity right in the streets, just a few metres away from a famous theatre was priceless! I'm telling you, this is a smash. I bet I'll see it on the newsstands tomorrow. So, I'm buying some tabloids and you damn well start downloading, because I bet I won't get away with this easily.

Czech Streets 13
Free anal

Free anal

I gathered some more experience and I have another piece for you. I wandered the streets and saw a very nice lady. Her name was Adelka and I started to like her for the first sight. I invited her for a beverage and slowly, with ,sprkling Riesling removed the walls of her inaccessibility. I would never expect such thing that happened in the women's restroom, where I boldly jumped in to Adela, to happen. I enjoyed sex full of passion and I haven't paid a dime for it. Adelka even let my dick into her ass! It was fantastic, so I took her phone number. I stayed in the bar until the evening came. Two friends, Simona and Adela, finally let me to convince them. Although it cost me some money that time, it still was worth it. Simca showed her beautiful breast right on the bar and tough girl Adela got fully naked on the toilet. God, she had a beautiful pussy!

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