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I have a on Czech Streets

Czech Streets 27
18 y/o model

18 y/o model

Holiday, hot weather and half-naked girls everywhere. Who would stay at home? I went into the streets and headed directly to the swimming pool in Podoli. But then something happened that I have never experienced before. I met an incredibly tall and pretty eighteen-year girl at the bus stop. I had big problems to address this beauty, as she completely drove me out of my mind. I immediately pulled out my trick with the modeling agent looking for new faces. It worked in out perfectly and I got a chance for further persuading in a nearby restaurant. But she was relentless that I had to do something I had never done before. I begged her to fuck with me. I promissed her 26 000 cash and that I will manage her to be a famous model. I admit that now that I have a bit of bad conscience. Check out this extremely beautiful catch.

Czech Streets 58
Beautiful and naive

Beautiful and naive

For this episode, I have a really special treat for you. During my regular prowling around Prague, I met a beautiful girl walking her pet. I introduced myself as a scout for a famous modeling agency and I offered her a job. Her name is Ingrid and she's 19 years old… My unexpected offer caught her off-guard, but she was immediately interested. Her curiosity was the right fuel for my engine of seduction. I said we should drive to the agency so my colleague can talk to her about potential work offers. We drove in her car and I started explaining what it would be much easier for her to get a job if she allowed me to try what she can do with her body. Seeing an opportunity to fuck herself a nice cozy career, she agreed almost immediately and let herself get drilled by a weird stranger right then and there on the front seats of her car! The belief, so widespread among Czech women, that their pussy is a tool to get a better job, is unbelievable. Hilarity ensues. Just see for yourselves!

Czech Streets 131
Food Porn Orgy with 28wk's pregnant!

Food Porn Orgy with 28wk's pregnant!

Greetings to all the friends of Czech streets and everyone who are into food fetish. Today I have a special one for you that you won't understand. I've met a pregnant girl who looked like she was shopping in Second Hand only. Her name was Claudia, and the last time she saw money was when she got her benefits paid. When we were at our best, her husband came out of their squat. They invited me in, and that's where it started. I was handing out money like Santa, and they were doing the most unbelievable show together. The dude pissed all over the chick while they were fucking and then pissed all over her. I stuffed a salami in her cunt and she shoved in zucchini as big as a baseball after! Double hole training for childbirth! That was a blast! The most perverse Czech streets ever. You gotta see this, and I'm away to get fresh air.

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