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Offered money for a strange girl for a quick on on Czech Streets

Czech Streets 128
Fucking ride outside Prague

Fucking ride outside Prague

Dear friends, lovers of sex for money, I've got a brilliant idea. I stood at a busy Prague crossroad and I was putting money behind the window wipers of cars driven by girls only. Quick money for free! It was adrenalin. After a while, I was sitting in a Skoda with two young chicks, a blonde Lenka and a brunette Pája. One prettier than the other and both mad about money. Pája was driving, so I started negotiating with Lenka. The lean blonde showed me her luxurious natural tits for 3k and for another 20k she shamelessly showed her wet pussy to me. She stuck her head out of the window and I fucked her from behind while the car was moving! Well, fuck me! The driver Pája took us outside the city and I finished my artwork there. I bent Lenka over the car, fucked her hard, and cummed on her. The sexy brunette, instead of joining us, was filming the wild fuck on her cell phone and was giving me some bullshit about me cumming on her bumper. It was an incredible fucking ride. Look at that.

Czech Streets 77
Mature beauty from the tobacconist

Mature beauty from the tobacconist

You’ve longed to see something never to be seen before. Something extraordinary!
The idea was to offer Quick Money to a shopping assistant or a hairdresser. A tobacco shop seemed to be the perfect option. The lady behind the desk was a first-class MILF. I guessed that she was 30. She was staggered when I presented her my offer, but it was a piece of cake to talk her into doing it. 20,000 for a quickie. Dudes! I fucked her right in the tobacco shop by a newspaper stand! And the shop was open! People kept pouring into the shop all the time!!! Incredible! I’m still pinching myself to find out if it was a dream!
Everything was taken with a brand new HD camera I got, so that your experience of fucking is much better and even more authentic. Enjoy the ride!

Czech Streets 74
Action beauty

Action beauty

Do you know where you’re most likely to run up to a pretty chick in Prague? At Smichov! Tons of hotties are flicking through this place every day!
I took full advantage of lovely weather and I set out on my exploration with my camera fully charged. A gorgeous cutie was handing out fliers in front of a mall. She told me after a brief chit-chat that her name was Veronika, she was 20 years old, and that handing out the fliers brought her in ridiculous 100 per hour – which made me come to an exciting idea. I offered her 30,000 in quick money for bonking her. She couldn’t make up her mind for whole eternity, even though the dough I was pushing under her pretty nose was twice as much as her month wage. Then she nodded! Thanks goodness! I fucked her juicy cunt dry right behind the shopping mall. We had an incredible blast! Check it out!
Celebrate my 100th booty with me!!!

Perverse Family

Filthy Fuckmotel

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