Czech Streets 93
Fitness coach Pavla
Greetings to all fans, especially those who like athletic babes. I grabbed my camera, swept my account clean and set off to the gym. Local fitness coach Pavla and her well-built body caught my attention at the first glance. I tried talking her into a private lessen with a bonus fuck. She was really stubborn and she also warned me there is a huge, muscular guy waiting for her at home. But I do not give up, so I sneaked into sauna with her. I showed her my cock and it was all done. Guys, she was really horny. It was me getting fucked. When I saw her massive clit, I thought my cock would explode! I came twice with her!!! This was an unbelievable fuck! Have fun. But watch out, if this gets to her BF, I am dead meat.
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