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Results for Romana episodes on Czech Streets

Czech Streets 53
Busty and wild

Busty and wild

Start of this summer was just great. I got this brilliant idea to use this heat wave and seduce loads of pretty girls. I went in front of a popular place and invited girls and women for a chat! Surprisingly, the first girl told me to fuck off. But I didn’t have to wait long for the big catch. Pretty, a busty young lady called Romana was happy about my invitation for a chat. When I saw she’s getting ready, I started my cunning attack and showed her all the money she could get for letting me visit inside of her panties. I cannot describe how surprised I was when she refused the money and just let me fuck her in a nearby park. That horny she was. I still cannot believe that. Check this out and see for yourself. Thing like this happened for the first time in the history of Czech streets and I’m glad not all Czech girls are gold-diggers. Enjoy the summer and look forward to our next video.

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Czech Casting 4387

Romana (21)

Romana is a young and pretty girl from a small town. She was raised by her grandparents into a modest and shy girl. But everything is about to change… Romana would like to become act model, but for that she needs to go through our casting first. And I’m sure our cameraman will try to seduce her as soon as he lays eyes on her huge boobies. And when I say huge, I don’t mean only huge, but also perfectly shaped and firm. Yeah, young girls have some benefits, you know that for yourself… Enjoy!

Czech Casting 2185

Romana (27)

Guys, do you need sexy first aid? We have a professional here. The nurse Romana – likable blonde from a lovely town close to river Sazava decided to change her sad financial situation. Czech healthcare is known for paying almost nothing to the employees. Romana is a nice woman, it would be shame not to use that. And she’s not shy to film fucking on camera. But with her boyfriend only!!! Well, that’s pity. Won’t you change your mind, Romana? She knows really well how to handle a hard cock. Just take a look how she rides one of our big rubber guys. Guys, this is a real rodeo! Have fun!

Czech Casting 2171

Romana (24)

Coming to our villa, sitting on the couch and answering questions is not easy. And I didn’t even mention getting naked in front of a photographer and then the cameraman. Time to time we welcome a girl that sees this as a huge problem. They get even more shy and nervous if it’s their first time. The best example of this is the main star of today’s CZECH CASTING, big-eyed Roman from Western Bohemia. I guess she was the most scared and shy girl we ever had here. She tried to hide her nervousness with laughter, but she had no reason to be nervous. No reason at all. She has wonderful body and when you realize she also gave a birth, you just have to bow down in front of her. If there’s any mother reading this, I bet she turned green with envy. Romana, get rid of your nerves, leave them outside and show us your classy pussy. That’s what we all are waiting for!!!!

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